In a typical furnace or Huntsville air conditioning AL system, the air filter plays a vital role. It keeps dust and small particles from entering your HVAC systems air handler. If the airflow to this system is restricted, it could burn out the fan motor causing your system to overheat and/or fail entirely. Having a dirty filter forces the fan motor to work harder and less efficiently, consuming more energy than necessary. Keeping your air filter clean is essential to maintaining your HVAC system and saving money in energy costs.
Did you know that Americans spend 90% of their time indoors and that indoor air pollutants levels may be 2 to 5 times higher than those outdoor ( This is why it is important to maintain a clean air filter in your Huntsville air conditioning AL system. This system is pumping air throughout your home and it’s vital that this air be kept as clean as possible. Allergies and asthma is on the rise and such conditions are worsened by contaminants in the air. Thus, the air filter must be changed regularly. So what kind of filter is right for your home?
First you must determine the size of filter your Huntsville Air Conditioning ALsystem uses. Filters come in many different sizes. The simplest method in determining the size is to look at your existing filter. Most of them have the dimensions printed on the filters’ frame. If not, you can simply measure the height, width, and depth of your filter, rounding up to the nearest whole number.
The size and density of the material used to make the filter determines its performance. Some filters have pleats that are electrostatically charged to attract and trap minute particles. Filters are also given a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value). This value indicates the filters’ capacity to both filter, and hold onto particles ranging from 3 microns to 10 microns.
A higher rating means more particles are being trapped, but bigger is not always better. A MERV rating that is too high, could be restricting too much air flow to the air handler. A MERV rating around 8 is ideal for residential systems.
At Bunn’s & Bennett, we know that a clean filter is vital to your Huntsville air conditioning AL unit and to the air quality in your home. We can help you choose the filter that is right for your system and will gladly change out your filter with our regular maintenance service. Trust Bunn’s & Bennett to keep your home comfortable and clean! Call us today at 256-536-0967 to schedule your service call or visit us online at to learn more or to check our specials.