frequently asked questions hvac

Frequently Asked HVAC Questions

Frequently Asked HVAC Questions in North Alabama

We’ve listed several of the questions we get asked most frequently below. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact us!

Q: What are the advantages of equipment with variable speed fans?

A: Variable speed equipment or variable airflow is almost always the first step toward a more energy efficient and comfortable system. Our variable airflow systems have “de-humidification control”. Traditional systems only have a one-speed fan and only read temperature. A variable airflow system reads relative humidity in addition to temperature. The system runs more often at a lower speed removing much more moisture than a typical system. Removing more moisture means you are more comfortable at a higher temperature. In addition, the system does a much better job of filtering the air (because it runs more often), creates a more even temperature throughout your home and operates more quietly. 


Q: How can I reduce my energy costs?

A: Cooling System:

Upgrade to a high-efficiency air conditioner – Replacing your old, inefficient air conditioning system with a high-efficient one can cut electricity bills significantly. Consult one of our professional technicians to ensure your system is the right size for your home, and you are not over- or under-cooling for your space needs.

Turn up the temperature – To save electricity during the summer, set the temperature above 75° as every degree below this will add an extra three to five percent to your energy bill.

Install ceiling fans – Change the direction of airflow on your ceiling fans. In the summer, the blades should operate in a counter-clockwise direction as a way of creating a nice, gentle wind.

Have an annual maintenance performed – Having an annual maintenance performed on your air conditioner by a licensed technician will help ensure it operates at its peak efficiency and catches any potential breakdowns before they occur.

Don’t block vents in well-used rooms – Keep your supply and return air vents free of objects like blinds, carpets or furniture so your air conditioner can operate efficiently and there is even cool air distribution.

Close vents in less-used rooms– By closing the vents, you will not be spending money cooling rooms that are used less.

Heating Systems:

Upgrade to a high-efficiency furnace – New high-efficiency furnaces use up to 50% less fuel than an older system. It can save you up to 25 percent of your home-heating costs in one year, and within a few years, you will have recovered the initial cost of replacing/upgrading your furnace. Choosing a model with an energy efficient motor can save 20 to 50 percent of the energy needed to continuously operate a fan motor. Let us show you the advantages of replacing your old furnace today.
Have an annual maintenance performed – Having an annual maintenance performed on your furnace by a licensed technician will help ensure it operates at its peak efficiency and catches any potential breakdowns before they occur.

Install a programmable thermostat – A programmable thermostat enables you to control your home’s temperature when you are away or asleep. For every one degree you lower your thermostat for seven hours per day, you save one percent on your heating bill.

Don’t block vents in well-used rooms – Keep your supply and return air vents free of objects like blinds, carpets or furniture so your furnace can operate efficiently and there is even heat distribution.

Close vents in less-used rooms – By closing the vents, you will not be spending money heating rooms that are used less.

Install ceiling fans– Change the direction of airflow on your ceiling fans. In the winter, the blades should operate in a clockwise direction helping to push the warm air from the ceiling down into the room.

Q: What is the average life expectancy of equipment?

A: Depending on the brand, most systems have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years (some builder grade equipment has a much shorter lifespan). As your equipment gets older, its efficiency and performance also decline. Typically if a system is 10-12+ years of age, it is good to consider replacement rather than investing in the old inefficient system. New comfort systems are more energy efficient and they will provide payback and energy savings. In addition, most of our new systems come with a 10-year warranty for your peace of mind.

Q: Will a larger sized system perform better?

A: No, you don’t want your air conditioner to be too big. Air conditioners control the comfort level in your home by cooling the air and by removing humidity. An oversized air conditioner will cool your home faster, but it will use more energy and will not remove humidity adequately.

A unit that is too big for your home will have short run cycles. It may take only a short time to cool the air, but the unit shuts off before enough air blows across the indoor coil where moisture condenses into water and drains from your system. Too much moisture left in the air can lead to mold and mildew problems.

These short-run cycles also mean your system starts and stops more often which uses more energy and causes a lot of wear and tear. An air conditioner operates more efficiently during long run cycles.

The same holds true with heating systems. An oversized furnace will warm the house quicker, but it uses more fuel and causes greater temperature swings in the home.

Q: How often should I change my air filters?

A: How often you should change your filter depends on the type of filter you have and how much infiltration you have throughout your home and ductwork. “Throw away” or the lesser expensive filters have to be replaced every 30 days. “Pleated” or “Poly” filters have to typically be replaced every 90 days. “Media filters” or Clean Effects filters usually have to be replaced every year. We offer free advice so give us a call at any time with any additional questions.

Q: Should I have my ducts cleaned?

A: Bunn’s and Bennett does not recommend having your ducts cleaned. In our many years of experience, we have seen many instances when duct cleaning is more detrimental than helpful. Often, ductwork is insulated on the inside and trying to clean the ductwork only loosens particles of insulation and puts them into your air. Even if the ductwork is insulated on the outside, duct cleaning often just stirs up many years of dust and debris that is better left alone. If you are worried about the cleanliness of your duct system, we recommend an AccuClean air cleaner or replacing your duct system or both. That is the only way to truly have “clean” ductwork.

Contact Us

Bunn’s and Bennett Heating and Air are committed to making your home more comfortable. If you would like more information regarding our multi-stage comfort systems, email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 256-536-0967.

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