HVAC Preventive Maintenance Tips for Fall & Winter

HVAC Preventive Maintenance Tips for Fall and Winter

The kids have headed back to school in Huntsville and with fall holidays quickly approaching, now’s the perfect time to do some routine maintenance on your heating and cooling system. Preparing your air conditioner for a long hibernation is critical. The last thing you want is your furnace breaking down in the middle of a cold season. Below are some insightful tips on fall HVAC preventive maintenance.

Fall HVAC Preventive Maintenance Tips

Clean or Replace Air Filters

This should be done every 1-3 months. Dirty HVAC filters restrict airflow and reduce the entire efficiency of the HVAC system. If you have not cleaned or changed the air filters of your system for a while, now is the perfect time to do it. Luckily, Bunn’s and Bennett provides this service. We would be happy to come to check out your air filters to ensure great air quality. To be safe, inspect your air filter every 30 days to see if it is dirty and clogged.

Unblock All Vents and Registers

Go around your home and make sure all of your return and supply vents and registers are clean and clear. Double-check that none of them are blocked by rugs, furniture, or closed off in any way. This will not only ensure good airflow, but it can also prevent fires or other disasters.

Reprogram the Thermostat

When you start transitioning from cooling to heating, it’s a good idea to reprogram your thermostat. You can save a lot of money with a smart or programmable thermostat — you just have to make sure it’s set properly.
Lower the thermostat temperature for the times you aren’t at home to save some money and energy. You can save “1% for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long” (U.S. DOE). Find a program that works best for you and your home, and stick to it. You will see the difference in your electricity bill!

Professional HVAC Inspection

Have you serviced your HVAC system for the winter period? A well maintained and serviced HVAC system is highly efficient in both its functionality and energy consumption. Bunn’s and Bennett suggests scheduling an inspection for your HVAC system at least twice a year, once in the fall for the heating system and once in the spring for the cooling system. The inspection is meant to detect any potential problems and ensure that the HVAC system is working as efficiently as possible.

Consider Replacing Your HVAC System

Considering the age of your heating system and your current energy bills should be the first thing you do. Heating systems that are more than 10 years old are only 40-60 % efficient. If your HVAC system is on its last legs, seriously consider replacing the entire HVAC system. Unit breakdowns are frustrating, avoiding those is ideal. Today, gas furnaces available in the market boast of efficiency ratings that are as high as 97%.

Contact Bunn’s and Bennett

Our experienced technicians will check filters, inspect electrical switches, belts, contacts, motors, safety switches, gas pressure, and refrigerant levels. Finally, remember that qualified heating and cooling technicians at Bunn’s and Bennett are here to help you year-round. In any season, annual maintenance tune-ups for your HVAC system should be routine. To schedule an appointment with Huntsville, Alabama’s most trusted HVAC contractor, visit our website, www.bunnshvac.com Or, we would be happy to talk to you at 256-536-0967. Bunn’s & Bennett Heating & Air Conditioning is fully licensed and insured. We offer round the clock emergency service.

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